
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hmmmmm! Indecisiveness and Randomness

Hello! How are you? Hope everyone had a great weekend! We had family in town so I was busy entertaining. It was a good time though.

Okay so first off I'm a little paranoid about writing now. At work last week we had a lesson on sharpening writing skills as a practice run for someone who is giving a presentation to a sales team to help with their writing skills. It took me back to about the 5th grade but it was very helpful. It was a great refresher and reminded me of all the things I do wrong writing. Now I want to put the lesson to use and write better and be more to the point. I find myself being too wordy when I get excited so just ignore me if I do that!

I am super excited to share a next project with you that I'm working on tonight while cleaning the downstairs. It's an easy project that the whole family will enjoy! I'll share it in my next post because I am still not quite finished. Can't wait!

In the meantime I am trying to decide what to do with some of this fabric. 

I have some ideas of new projects and I am playing with the fabric, moving it around the house trying to decide what to do with it. Part of my problem with any project is making decisions. Are you good at making decisions and following through? I will postpone something just so that I have no regrets. I want to make sure I am ready to proceed with a project therefore I question myself over patterns and designs for a while until I am ready to move on with it. I have several ideas for some of these fabrics I've just got to make up my mind but we'll see. Please stay tuned. I'll be posting as soon as I make some decisions and get to work! Can't wait! Until then...