
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

So You Want To Be A Blogger

I used to think blogging was the goofiest, most narcissistic thing ever (I even knocked the word "BLOG") until one day when I was hunting around the Internet in search of a particular decoration project. I was online looking for ideas and came across Thrifty Decor Chick! I started reading her blog and kept going back to see the latest and greatest. I couldn't believe how cool and informative a blog could be. I had the impression a blog was more like someones diary that just shouldn't be shared with anyone. I loved reading and seeing pictures on this one blog. I started reading other blogs and kinda sat back and thought to myself, I can do this. I love it when I have time to roam and look at blogs to see what other people do. I have been told I have the gift of gab(not sure if that is always a great thing but it does help me avoid writer's block!) plus I have a passion for page layout and design. So the blog emerged!  

Blogging to me is challenging yet a wonderful hobby. With young children at home, it's a huge creative outlet and it forces me to do the projects I want to do around the house because I feel like I need to be accountable as far as sharing my ideas to anyone who may be reading. It pushes me in a way I like to be pushed. I'm wired not to sit still. Can't help it, I get it honest but I LOVE doing home projects!  

If you are at all interested in blogging I encourage you to take your time to learn as you go. I purchased a book that really helped me get started. Try and get as much information as you can at first. I am certainly no expert and am still learning a lot myself!

Here are a few things to consider for starters!

A) Come up with a main focus for your blog, whether the subject be finances, homeschooling, couponing, crafting, etc. Put some serious thought into it and go for it. Write like you talk! Enjoy it. OWN it! Make it what you want because it's all YOU!

B) Spend time thinking of a name, a screen name if you want one, the arrangement of your blog and the design. 
C)Research and patience are key! Research the different blogging templates. Try and make a lot of the design decisions up front. At first I spent a lot of time adding things to my blog because I thought it was cool to see how things worked. Over time I have changed so many things about it. There are so many resources out there to help you with this.

Remember that it may take you a while to learn to do one thing, like making a button for your blog, etc. If you're anything like me you might find that each and every little thing feels like a major accomplishment. It's a great feeling for me to make something work. If you are blogging for money, patience! Hopefully it will come with time. 

Best thing about blogging for me is making friends, learning and watching the blog grow slowly and just enjoying being productive. It's an awesome outlet!

If you are at all interested in joining a "newbie" blog hop, please come join some other newbies at

The Kids Are Grown, Now What?