
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 Goals

Do you normally make New Years Resolutions? I don't because I make 'em and break 'em and just don't like to put myself through the ongoing failure of being able to keep 'em. It's okay though. I put enough pressure on myself and am productive. Speaking of pressure, holy moly! Have you ever had a headache where it affected your vision?? Yikes. 

A scary moment was last week on my last day of holiday break after I took the kiddos to daycare and was going to have a "me" day, I had one of those headaches. I was driving along when I realized I was squinting because I couldn't see well. At first I thought I was looking at a crack in my windshield. Then I began seeing waves in my vision. I literally thought I was losing my eyesight and was going to pass out. Luckily I was able to make it home but the waves continued. My husband had to come home from work and drive me to urgent care where two hours later the excruciating headache set in. Man was it awful. I get migraines but never have I ever lost my vision with one. Now I can say I have. It was like there was a part of the picture that was missing and nothing to focus on with the vision thing. How awful. I feel for anyone who gets those regularly. I hope I don't ever get another one. Talk about rough! 

Enough tangents and on to my point.

I have been thinking of what I want to accomplish this year. I have to be realistic since we have two young children and limited free time but I did come up with a list and here it is. Sharing with you helps me hold myself accountable so thank you for that!

  • Get organized in as many ways as possible - my car, the master closet, bathroom cabinets, the fridge, coupons, mail, papers in general...
  • Finish things I have started. That is my biggest struggle. I am all over the place with things and I need more structure in the way I do craft projects and decorating to follow through and finish.
  • Refresh a few things around the house by moving decor around and rearranging what we have.
  • Come up with a solution to dress up some bare windows. 
  • Continue to address the space above the cabinets in the kitchen.
  • Attempt to brighten up the house some with more color.
  • Storage. Storage. Storage.

Storage Bin
Overflowing Paperwork. Ugghhh!

I think that is enough to keep me busy in 2012. What are YOU planning on doing? Do you have any goals or resolutions for the new year?