
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Peppermint Soaps

Hey you crafties! I'm sorry I've been a MIA on the crafting and decorating lately. With Christmas behind us, just been trying to get some rest and relaxation when I'm not at work or running kiddos somewhere. Here is one little gift idea. I'm also working on updating my blog. I've been researching and think it's time to move to Word press and get my own domain. I'm excited but nervous a a little hesitant to jump in feet first. I'm enjoying this hobby of blogging but there is so much to learn about it. 

On to a simple gift idea. I found this in a Martha Stewart Christmas magazine. I enjoy making gifts for people and here was my first attempt at making soaps. It was fun idea but I think it was a FAIL job so I'll be adding it to Craft Fail too. :) I had really good intentions is all I'll say. 

What you'll need:
1 bag of white glycerin
1 bag of clear glycerin
red food coloring
peppermint essential oils

Don't forget to add Peppermint. I don't think I used enough for the soaps but it sure did make the kitchen smell GOOD!
I used two bags of glycerin soap, one clear that I dyed with red food coloring and one white. I followed the directions in the magazine instructions. I used a glass Pyrex meatloaf pan and carefully heated the glycerin using glass bowls in the microwave and layered it. It took a long time to make the candy cane soaps. You can only nukiwave the glycerin for 30 seconds at a time to avoid ruining your microwave. You have to let it cool for 20 mins after pouring it in the pan so you have to reheat the glycerin again b/c it hardens.  I scored each layer with a fork like the directions said but the layers didn't quite stick together so the gift was botched. I had a little left over glycerin and so I mixed both colors of glycerin and it turned pink. I used a small muffin pan to make small soaps. I stacked them and used cellophane and ribbon to wrap them. They would make a nice Valentine gift for anyone if you can get the layers to stay together! Next time I will make a solid bar in a mold or something. Layering wasn't exactly easy. It took a really loooooong time! Let me know how it goes if you ever attempt this one.