
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Dirty Clothes - What's YOUR System?

DIRTY CLOTHES! It's that dreaded task! I know everyone has a system. What's YOURS?
I try to keep my system really simple now. I used to detest laundry to the utmost degree! I felt like I could never get a handle on it and it was always piled up and non-stop. I felt like if there was something in the hamper then I wasn't doing my job or something. I used to be this way with the bathroom trash cans too. I was always trying to keep the hampers empty.
Not sure why I had this attitude but ever since becoming a full time stay at home mom my attitude has changed. I'm slowing the pace to try to enjoy our kids more and enjoy life and live! I know it must sound crazy but simplifying even them most mundane tasks has helped me. It's more freeing.
Everyone has their own way of doing things and different things work best for different people but what is working for me is as follows:
I try to keep it simple! To cut costs on water, I do all laundry in one or two days. If I'm not at home all day to constantly be folding laundry then it takes two days to finish. I used to be that person who would have to wash a load multiple times because I was trying to do too much and do laundry too quickly and I'd get tired, go to bed and the load would sour. Now I take my time and don't put a load in the washer until I'm ready to deal with it.
I do laundry on Mondays, this way I can enjoy the end of the week with my kids and not have to deal with folding and putting laundry away. Weekends are free of laundry! It's working out really well. So on Monday mornings, I take all four of our hampers down to the laundry room and sort and wash. The laundry gets folded as it comes out and it's separated into big laundry bags and put away. I be sure to put it all away at the same time, that way I only do it once and I'm not constantly putting away loads of laundry. If we get other dirty clothing, it sits in the hamper until the next Monday when I start the process over. I have been doing this for months now and really, really like. This is my process improvement! YAY!