
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

First Day School - How To Keep Track Of Each Grade!

Happy Tuesday! Yesterday was our son's first day of school and it was exciting to see how excited our little guy was about it(minus the sugar high he had at 11:00 the night before because he snuck candy from a goodie bag into his room without us knowing). LOL! 

I'm not that great at keeping up with firsts and the baby book, though I do try. This year I jumped on the bandwagon to "try" to keep up with first day pictures for school.

I had a slate sign I just picked up at Michaels this week. It was $1.99 with a 40% off coupon. BAM! How's that for cheap. I also ordered a chalk board marker off ebay for a buck and some chump change and made this super quick sign yesterday morning for our son! I'm going to try to keep this up each year!

He held it all ready and packed for his first day of school. It's a great little marker and a nice touch to his first day picture!

When he got home, I had decorated the outside of the house to welcome him home. :) Nice touch, eh?!?! Hope your little ones and big ones have great first days of school. So far we're off to a great start! Happy day!