
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Wall Hanging - Over Bed

How's it going? It has been a busy month and I've been working in the yard more than the inside of the house lately. The past couple of weeks I've raked and bagged seven bags of pine needles and then made two trips to the hardware store to lay down eighteen bags of mulch in the front beds. It was a chore because I first bought black mulch and it didn't look right with the house so I went back and got brown. I also came in contact with a snake for the very first time. Not fun.  
Getting back to the inside of the house, here's a picture of our master bedroom. I'm sharing because this is what we used to have over the headboard. I love to see how people decorate walls over master headboards if there's room. It took me a while to find the right thing. This isn't it! I wasn't settled on this mirror. It was lonely and looked out of place.
I'll share with you later what I found to hang there. Hope everyone is good. I'm whooped.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Spring Brings New Projects

Spring time has brought on allergies but I'm so glad it's finally here. With Spring here we've got lots of new outdoor projects to work on. Cannot wait to get them going. I won't bore you with all the details but here's the lowdown on the way back yard. The landscaping is tough but we cleared out a good wooded area in the very back and have some big trees that are spaced apart where we'd love to build a tree house. Doubtful it will happen considering we don't have the proper tools or the know-how but here is a rough draft of one we made up. Most likely we will add a swing or two in between the trees instead of a tree house. It's fun to imagine and draw up plans though!   

What kinds of projects are you doing this Spring?