
Friday, September 22, 2017

Cleaning Like A Fiend

Uggh! I love a clean house and today I've been cleaning like a fiend! I woke up feeling lousy - been sick with a nasty cold. Today was day five but I'm feeling MUCH better, especially after getting a nice shower.

Hope you've been keeping healthy. I work in the school system so now that school is back in session I've managed to pick up the first thing that has gone around. Yuck.

Now that I'm feeling better and can finally clear off my night stand, change the sheets and trash all my snot rags(sorry TMI) I want to get things back in order. Our house has been disgusting this week. Hate it when I fall behind on things around the house because it's a lot to catch up on.

So in between loads of laundry and cleaning toilets, I steam cleaned our carpets upstairs. I vacuumed and steam cleaned. It needed it. We really are ready for new carpet(ours is 20 years old) but we have a master bathroom redo that we want to do first because we'll have workers walking on the carpet carrying supplies, up and down the staircase.

Anyways, tonight I learned how to clean the steam vacuum after I used it (GROSSSSSSSSSS!) and now I'm online trying to learn how to empty our new dyson vacuum. I have to say, my hubs bought a new vacuum to try and help me around the house and I absolutely love it. I wasn't on board for the new vacuum purchase but we tried one of those expensive robot vacuums that scoots around your house and I hated it. I cringed because it was so loud as it crashed up against every piece of furniture we owned. There was way too much prep work involved and our kitten was terrified of the thing. But this chargeable battery operated Dyson stick vacuum thingy is awesome! If you are in the market for one, I highly recommend it.

Okay, I better get back to Youtube and figuring out how to empty this vacuum. Just wanted to say a quick hello. Hope all is well on your end.