
Saturday, May 18, 2019


Happy Saturday night! How's it going??? How are you, wherever you are?! I'm good! I'm tuckered out with an hour to midnight. Last night was a late night and and this morning came quick and we had a Robotics competition our son was in bright and early this morning. The kids all did so well conceptualizing and creating their robots. It was pretty cool to see the bots at work.
Anyhow I had a long day and I'm pooped! I am so tired. Sick kids this week, my job winding down and the gorgeous days of Spring are here!
This is what I've been up to! For Mother's Day last weekend my hubby and kids took me out to shop for flowers. I got these beautiful knockout rose bushes in a red color that looks hot pinkish. I think they are called cherry red or something like that. They are gorgeous though! 

So far we picked up five. I put two on one side of the back of the house and three on the other. I may get another one to balance it out. I'm going to watch these bushes grow and try and get some other flowering bushes that are perennials. I love the color it adds to the back yard. We just need some help in our yard. I don't exactly have a green thumb and I've got to simplify! I would like to get some more potted plants too!
This is me working. I LOVE to put my yard gloves on and pull weeds and such! The peace takes me away from any negativity. I just love it.

Here are the flowers I planted a couple of weeks ago on the front stoop. I LOVE!
Are you enjoying Spring? Next time I'll show you what else I've done to spruce up the yard! I'm so excited!