
Saturday, February 29, 2020

I Heart My Art Cart!

Happy Weekend Peeps! How's it going? It's going great here! So I was wrong about the 5K I'm running. It's a week from today, thank goodness! I have run the past two days and am very thankful I could do it painless and it felt so good! It's something I want to keep up with but not overdo like I did a few years back. I ran way too much and too often and it caused an injury. Anyhow...
What you been up to? I've been pretty busy with work and home life. I love my job and have been busy planning, planning and planning. I teach school and I have felt like the bag lady lately lugging my things back and forth to school. I've accumulated a lot of supplies at home and have been working to consolidate and find ways to organize them at home.
I'm limited on space. I don't have a whole room dedicated to it at home but I do have a desk but it only holds so much. So... I'm excited to share my cute nifty Art Cart. I'm not finished organizing it or adding my supplies to it and I have a few more additions for it but it's my new little work supply station that sits right next to my desk.
Whaddaya think? It's so versatile and I think I'm really going to like having it! It's cute too. My hubs isn't a big fan of turquoise but I like turquoise so maybe he won't say anything about this minty colored cart. Well I better get just wanted to share!
Oh if you bought one of these what would you use it for? OR would you buy one?
Well I better get. I've got to get some things laminated and my laminator is hot!
Talk to you later. See you soon!
Love ya,

Monday, February 17, 2020

Post Valentine's Day

Hope y'all had a Happy➼Valentine's Day! Mine was decent but found out we had a child with Strep that day so the ten day o' antibiotics began on V Day. No biggie though.

I am sitting here typing this listening to my crazy cat wander around the house upset because my oldest is sleeping with his door shut. Our cat is aggressively affectionate and he gets really ticked when he doesn't get his way and sleep with the person of his choice.😿 

Anyway I'm psyched! I'm signed up for a 5K and haven't done one in a few years. I know I'm going to be slow but that is okay. My son loves to run so he is trying to beat his best time but I will most definitely be lagging behind in this race. 

I haven't had too much time to work on house décor lately because I started a new job. I've thrown myself into it full speed and I'm trying to keep up with the house. On a good day laundry is pulled out of the washer and put in the dryer.😮 But I like our new washer and dryer, really I do.

So instead of doing stuff for the house I'm looking at doing some fun things. I've got a new hobby and that is brush pen writing. I sort of bounce from hobby to hobby. Eek. I'm trying to make my handwriting look romantic or cutesie and I love the modern calligraphy style. We'll see but it's so relaxing and fun to play around with. I'll show you some of my messing around with words. I love practicing this. I've got a loooong way to go at getting it the way I want it and I hope to kind of create my own style with it but it's a lot of fun! 

Going to drink my sleepy tea and add some music to my mp3 player for the gym tomorrow. Hope you are doing well.
Love ya, mean it! If anyone reads this, leave me a comment. I don't think anyone does anymore. Anyway take it easy. Peace out!