
Saturday, February 29, 2020

I Heart My Art Cart!

Happy Weekend Peeps! How's it going? It's going great here! So I was wrong about the 5K I'm running. It's a week from today, thank goodness! I have run the past two days and am very thankful I could do it painless and it felt so good! It's something I want to keep up with but not overdo like I did a few years back. I ran way too much and too often and it caused an injury. Anyhow...
What you been up to? I've been pretty busy with work and home life. I love my job and have been busy planning, planning and planning. I teach school and I have felt like the bag lady lately lugging my things back and forth to school. I've accumulated a lot of supplies at home and have been working to consolidate and find ways to organize them at home.
I'm limited on space. I don't have a whole room dedicated to it at home but I do have a desk but it only holds so much. So... I'm excited to share my cute nifty Art Cart. I'm not finished organizing it or adding my supplies to it and I have a few more additions for it but it's my new little work supply station that sits right next to my desk.
Whaddaya think? It's so versatile and I think I'm really going to like having it! It's cute too. My hubs isn't a big fan of turquoise but I like turquoise so maybe he won't say anything about this minty colored cart. Well I better get just wanted to share!
Oh if you bought one of these what would you use it for? OR would you buy one?
Well I better get. I've got to get some things laminated and my laminator is hot!
Talk to you later. See you soon!
Love ya,