
Friday, April 4, 2014

April Showers Bring May Flowers - Umbrella Door Decor!

TGIF! Happy Friday to you! What have you been up to? Have you done any decorating or updating lately? The weather here has been gorgeous this week and I have to admit that is one perk of being home with my kids. When it's nice, we are outside! Between yesterday and today I've spent most of the days out doing yard work. Six bales of pine needles spread, five bags of leaves raked and lots of sticks picked up by the trash today. Flower bed weeded! It's been productive to say the least and the kids had a ball playing with water guns and soccer balls!

So onto my latest little project... It's an umbrella bouquet for the front door! I found it on Random Thoughts!
I found an adorable teal umbrella for cheap (to contrast with the navy blue door) online and flowers from Michaels half off, plus two coupons and ribbon I already had to boot! Simple enough, it just gets a little smashed when the storm door is closed. It's okay though cause when you open the door front door with the storm door closed we get to enjoy the arrangement on the inside of the house. :) 

This project is so simple and fitting for this time of year. My mom did one for her door too. She has a yellow or hunter green front door and got a light green umbrella with a wooden handle and pink toned flowers. Beautiful too. Wish I had taken a picture because I had it hanging on my door last weekend!

A little smashed but that's okay :)

I'd love to hear what your last decorating project was!  Have a great Friday!

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