
Friday, April 25, 2014

Installing DIY No Soliciting Sign On Brick

Good morning and HAPPY FRIDAY!!! Hope it's been a good week. Here it has been great. I can hardly walk today but it's for good reason. The past two days I've spent cleaning and prepping our wooden privacy fence so that I can stain it next week. I did the inside Wednesday and the outside yesterday. Being outside so much has been wonderful. Hope you get to spend some time outdoors this weekend!
So I wanted to follow up with the No Soliciting sign I made. We have a brick façade and I had never hung anything on brick before so I took some time to research to find the best approach. I found brick clips but wasn't sure how stable one would be. I ended up purchasing a hook that is made just for hanging on brick. I got it at Lowes and it was brass but I painted it with a good old Black Rustoleum paint so it would match the front light fixtures.
Anyhow the hook came with two screws and a drill bit especially for drilling into mortar. It was surprisingly easy! The mortar was actually pretty soft to drill into once I got the hole started. So here it is!

I have noticed that I haven't had anyone ringing the doorbell since I hung it up. Not sure if it's coincidence or the sign but I hope it doesn't offend anyone and simply does the job! Have a great Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I think I need to get one...and a humongous dog!
