I follow a bunch of blogs and sites on minimalism and would love to have a more minimalistic life. I know I've talked about this over and over. Just tired of feeling like I'm drowning in stuff. I absolutely love going on vacations and not having EVERYTHING we have in our house to show how well we can live a simpler life. I'm working on the next garage sale and bagging a bunch of stuff up to sell and hopefully rid the house of. My house may not look super stark of all knick knacks and stuff but it'll be cleaner and contain only necessary things and things we love. The hardest part is toys and children's items. Carefully working on this to feel more worry free and care free! Do you like the idea of minimalism? It's kind of annoying how quickly my family has filled up space so I'm back at it working to clear it out again! Are you doing any organizing since it's Spring?
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