So yes, the letter board idea backfired on me, no pun intended. 😳🙈🤭 Kids and farts. I should I say boys and farts. LoL Our family is a little too open about potty stuff. We do have boys though.😂 My youngest took the board away for a while and snuck back into the kitchen giggling. I'm always always the butt of jokes. 🙄 I feel so loved. Hahaha.
So how are you doing during this quarantine period? It's strange isn't it? At first it felt very surreal and just weird. For a couple weeks I woke up each day feeling disoriented not going to work, thinking was it all a bad dream? When I get up will things be back to normal?? Nope, nada, nil. My dreams are all out of whack too. Whew. It's all part of the new norm I guess.
Now it's settling in that this is for real and our new normal. I've always said I could never home school. Bless our teachers! They have so much patience. It's funny how you can eat your words. Or not funny. hah never say never! It was very trying the first week of getting the kids set up online. The hubs and I are both working from home but I needed to be the one to get them set up. Once we got their online school rolling, things improved. Trying to keep a decent schedule.
Now I've got work to do which keeps me busy and leisure home projects galore. I feel so much for anyone going through this difficult time who is in an apartment or living situation where they don't have much outdoor space or those who have lost their jobs. We are very fortunate right now and to have a good sized yard to roam. Truly it's my haven. I will sit on the front porch and eat my breakfast, write letters to friends, read, anything I might like to do sitting. Then the yard is like a playground. Laying in the hammocks, lots of places in the yard to enjoy. I just love to be outside. The fresh air, nature, the gorgeous scents, the blue sky and blooming trees and flowers... I could go on and on.
This week I weeded the flower beds, mowed the grass, and my latest therapy is pressure washing! Our old pressure washer crapped out while my son was using it to do the siding and so we bought a new one. For me it was love at first sight.
I've taken over the new pressure washer. I've cleaned everything I can think of with it - our trash and recycling bins, the siding on the house, the sidewalk to the porch, the driveway, the back patio, the retaining wall on our property... I just love it. It's got some really cool attachments too that make the job go faster. Pressure washing is so satisfying! 🤭
Here are the dirty befores and the clean afters! It really makes a big difference on how the yard looks.
Below is a picture of one of the ten rose bushes I planted last summer. I'm so excited to have some color and have fresh cut flowers. ♥️🌹
Anyone else having trouble sleeping? I've got insomnia and am having some trouble sleeping. I just can't shut my brain off. It's 3:00 am right now so I'm going to go to bed.
I've got a very large project coming up this week and I can't wait to share it with you!!!
What are you doing to keep yourself busy and to keep your sanity? Tonight my kids told me they want to adopt, specifically, a golden retriever puppy. I'm not sure where they came up with this but they came up with it on their own. I asked them why a golden? They said because they have the same color of hair as them. Ok. Interesting reason. Hmm. They are a mess.
So next post I'll share some other things I'm doing to stay occupied. We're taking this quarantine very seriously.
I hope everyone takes good safety measures and keeps safe and healthy.
Take good care! Love ya! KISY