Can you believe it's already Thursday? I really can't! This week has just flown by! It's been a good week with a few rough patches but over the hump and staying positive that today is a new day. Do you like inspirational sayings to help you through things? I do! I love reading different quotes and sayings and try to find ones to help me through different situations, it's kind of therapeutic or something.

Finally I was back in the store looking for something and also trying to get ideas for hanging the sign. Heck, I moved things around on our hearth and decided it looked good there so that is where it lives now. I really like this sign and what it says!
"LAUGH as much as you breathe.
LOVE as long as you live."
It's a great reminder for us all the time!
I love it on the fireplace!
Thank you!
Perfect spot!
It was sitting on the floor the whole time. Who would have thunk it!?!
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